Happy discover more about the incredible china fashion? Shirley Chen will guide you regarding this through her personal blog

Do you get pleasure from to follow the insightful efforts of diverse talented men and women who share with their viewers awesome and absolutely extremely good inspired goods? I have this hobby as well, and not long ago I came across a sweet blogging site that is developed by a magnificent Chinese painter that resides in Europe. Her name is Shirley Chen and she was born in Shanghai but now she lives Sweden and does very nice and incredibly fascinating artwork and as well blends this activity with website writing and fashion and style connected photography. Consequently, on her greatly fascinating weblog can be found exclusive creative illustrations that give to the viewer a distinctive sensation of attractiveness.

I ended up being so curious about her captivating and also ultra fascinating creative illustrator works, that I began to look much deeper into her user profile and found out that in her early age she was actually attracted to graffiti and this activity encouraged her to make and paint excellent drawings. In addition, I have discovered that besides generating truly authentic and charming paintings, this incredibly talented and also seasoned artist has a passion for cats and among her most appreciated and highly-regarded creations can be found out of ordinary cat illustrations as well. So all the kitty devotees, simply will end up being thrilled to come across enjoyable and exciting works of art to display their cherished four-legged buddies. Also, being a many-sided creative personality, Shirley is also fascinated with fashion and although, when she did start to compose on her blog 7 years before she was spreading simply just her amazing works, now she also specializes in instructing her audience about china fashion by showing to her daily designs and she even brings together them with computer illustrations simultaneously. Additionally, as it turns out she is also a fantastic indoor designer and by now she had chance to work for several projects that included wall decoration, candle holders, fabric and embroidered pillows and a lot more. As you can see, a wonderful mind and soul can solely create unparalleled things and produce really genius and creative ideas!

I guess that at this point you might be really curious to see precisely how she mixes the cat art with clothing fashion and photography to create a original site that attracts daily lots of people excited to discover some fresh and innovative art details, and I will be more than happy to inspire you to just click over the internet link that follows: www.shirleychen.com where you will find what you want to learn about Shirley! Stay attuned to her great works and ideas and your visuallization will become richer and more creative!
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