By buying an industrial robot, each customer wants to enhance its productivity. Some factors can be controlled to reduce the downtime of a robot on a production line. A factor that can be easily managed is the downtime related to maintenance. As most companies want to have the shortest maintenance time to get back into production, there is not a lot of latitude. This means that changes must be effective and fast, which is why you should consider building a spare parts toolbox. Here are the top 5 spare parts that should be in your toolbox for industrial robot maintenance.
1. Teach Pendant
Referring to the most common problem of industrial robot support services, a teach pendant is always the starting point when customers experience connectivity problems with the robot’s controller. The replacement and troubleshooting is easier, by storing an extra pendant and teach pendant cable.
2. Consumables
Depending on the application, the consumable can be as trivial as having welding wire in stock for a welding robot. End effector parts should also be considered as consumable parts such as suctioncups and pads, etc. Most industrial robot gripper manufacturers can provide a spare parts list that can be useful in case of an impact or aberrant use.
3. Motors
Motors, amplifiers and routers are essentials for robot functionality. Having some spares in your toolbox can help prevent long shutdown times on the production line. You should always consider small parts that might burn out, such as the motors inside an electric gripper for example.
4. Robot Grease
Most types of robots need regular gear greasing. To be able to perform the maintenance effectively, it is important to have the right type of robot grease on hand. To enhance the application of the grease, a good tip is to use a grease pump or gun.
5. Robot Batteries
It is always a good idea to keep extra batteries for your robotic controller and arm in your tool box. These components are easy to store and change. This will allow you to keep your system in working order with minimal down time.
With these few tips, you should be able to reduce your downtime due to maintenance. Having the right part at the right time is always a good thing when the production must continue. Contact your dealer if you want to have all the different specifications for you industrial robot.
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