If you want to make a good first impression, attract people to your site and build your brand well, your website’s design is really important. Even though there are many different factors that contribute to your website’s success, the first factor that makes a user stick around is your site’s design. So what exactly should you focus on to make sure your web design is flawless? Here are a few things that you need to keep in mind.
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Even if you are not shooting for search engine rankings, it is a very good practice to assign relevant names to your webpage filenames. The reason for this is, when search engines go through your website they look at the file names and search for any keywords that they could rank your site for. So using your primary keywords in the file names can help you with your search engine rankings. Also, avoid using underscores when you do this and do use the hyphen. Doing this will allow your pages to be correctly categorized by the Google bot – since this is completely for the benefit of Google SEO. While this all by itself is nothing, really, but it will help your site with ranking ability and better listing in the right category by Google.
One of the things that go into a successful web design is the creation of the pages that contain your copyright notice and privacy policy. The way things are anymore on the net, you really have to make sure you are protected concerning your sites. An outdated copyright notice may send out the wrong signals to your site visitors and make it look unprofessional, and not having a privacy policy will deter your visitors from giving away their contact information, in case you’re collecting it. There are a lot of other important reasons to have them, and it does not really matter if you just use them.
You can see all kinds of examples of just about everything where people designed a site and then remembered they wanted to put content on it. The more artistic sites will use Flash, but we have a hard time appreciating Flash in most applications. Flash can be very distracting, but if there is not a lot of written content then it could be all right to use.
Then there is the issue of heavy files and page loading times that can be adversely affected by Flash. If you really do want to use flash on your homepage, then make sure you have a link to an individual HTML page where your content is listed out. But also keep in mind that not everybody has a fast and powerful computer.
As time goes on your site is going to get better and is going to be even more successful as you learn and improve things. However, first you should focus your attentions on web design element basics so that you know that nothing is missing from your site. Web design isn’t really that complicated but often people turn it into something that is. If you want people to respond well to your site and get as many sales as possible and build a really good brand, you need to focus first on building a good foundation.
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